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Post  lanceduncan 34 Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:53 pm

M1ster619 wrote:Hi my name on here and my gamer tag are M1ster619. Very Happy I realllllllllllllllllllllllly want 2 be in a mythbusters video with u guys! i hope ull send me and invite 2 a game or something and that would be A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! My fav video games r Red dead redemprtion, gears of war 1+2, Bioshoc, Assaisns creed 1+2, and most lego games. I am 14 years old and do not own a mic yet so i cant talc even though my voice is quite deep and im often confused as being older than i really am Rolling Eyes. My fav sprots are wrestling (yes the tv show wrestling lic monday night raw etc.). My fav movie of all time is no doubt Kickass, its the greatest superhero movie Exclamation i am also an achviment hore, i dont deny it lol! I hope the maain guy who is the midnightswords clan is read this so i can b in their clan cheers

Thanks for all your support bro

lanceduncan 34

Posts : 48
Join date : 2010-07-25
Location : Earth


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HI! Empty HI!

Post  M1ster619 Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:02 pm

Hi my name on here and my gamer tag are M1ster619. Very Happy I realllllllllllllllllllllllly want 2 be in a mythbusters video with u guys! i hope ull send me and invite 2 a game or something and that would be A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! My fav video games r Red dead redemprtion, gears of war 1+2, Bioshoc, Assaisns creed 1+2, and most lego games. I am 14 years old and do not own a mic yet so i cant talc even though my voice is quite deep and im often confused as being older than i really am Rolling Eyes. My fav sprots are wrestling (yes the tv show wrestling lic monday night raw etc.). My fav movie of all time is no doubt Kickass, its the greatest superhero movie Exclamation i am also an achviment hore, i dont deny it lol! I hope the maain guy who is the midnightswords clan is read this so i can b in their clan cheers


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-08-10

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